A platform for reading news in a new format. Using NER technologies, we process hundreds of thousands of Telegram posts, extract companies, people, and locations from them, and display news based on this information
How it works
We analyze the news stream from the Tek.fm platform. and identify key participants — people, companies, and places. These entities are connected to current events and topics. For this, we use AI technology called Named Entity Recognition (NER)
Our algorithms identify key entities and connect them to relevant topics and events


Follow key figures you like — from enterpreneurs to celebrities

Cities and Regions

Stay informed about what’s happening in your city or region


Learn how companies interact and latest news in market

Main Topics

Imagine visiting a company’s page and seeing up-to-date news, information about its executives, major deals, and events—all in one place and always current
Our readers are investors, journalists, researchers and etc
Why it's cool
Socium.fm encompasses all important news topics
Socium.fm gathers all essential information from different sources — from business and politics to culture and entertainment. We make all data clear, relevant and accessible to all users. The structure of the platform alleviates staying up-to date and helps users find necessasary information and topics
Other Projects
Service for monetization of websites
News website about design
Service for monetization of debates